This essay will discuss George Washington’s role as one of America’s best presidents. George Washington was a key figure in the development of America. George Washington was one of America’s founding fathers. He was commander in chief of Continental Army during Revolutionary War. He later became the first president to the United States. His ideas and thoughts contributed to the development of the United States.

George Washington, born February 22, 1732. George Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia on February 22, 1732. Washington studied mathematics, surveying as well as the classical languages and rules of civility. He loved social gatherings and sports.

George’s half-brother Lawrence took George to his Mount Vernon Mount Vernon plantation in 1743 after his father passed away. Lawrence was like a dad to George. George’s father was a Virginian who had a powerful and influential family. His brother married into this family. George began surveying lands in 1748 and was appointed Surveyor of Culpeper Country. George inherited Mount Vernon after Lawrence’s death in 1752.

The French and Indian War began in 1753 as a result of the rivalry between Britain and France over the Ohio Valley. Washington’s young career was shaped by this war. Washington first came to public attention after Gov. Robert Dinwiddie ordered him to send him on a fruitless trip to warn Fort Le Boeuf’s French commander about the dangers of further French incursions on British-claimed territory. Washington’s diaries of the dangers he encountered and the difficulties he had to face, which were published by Williamsburg at his return, helped him earn his promotion from lieutenant colonel, even though he was only 22.

George Washington was one of the best military leaders in history. Not just because it was a successful war. His greatest talent was to be receptive to other ideas. He was also an excellent judge. He did not consider the military doctrines and the social influence and rank of his subordinates when he chose them.

Henry Steele Commager remarked that Washington’s sacrifice to America was backed up by the fact he was commander of the Continental Army for free and nearly bankrupt after he became the nation’s founding president.

It was through perseverance and a vision of a new nation, which was formed, that the boundaries, structures, and safeguards were established to ensure the pursuits of justice, liberty, life. George Washington shared a vision. He fought hard for this vision.


  • madeleineporter

    I am a 34 year old educational blogger and volunteer and student. I love to help others learn and grow. I have a strong interest in creativity, education, and social justice. My blog is currently focused on writing about my education and community work. I hope to continue doing this for the rest of my life.