Informative writing is a crucial skill for students to master in today’s fast-paced and information-driven society. Whether it is for school assignments, professional reports, or simply everyday communication, the ability to effectively inform and educate others through writing is essential. However, teaching informative writing can be a daunting task for educators, as it requires a different set of strategies and approaches compared to other forms of writing. In this article, we will explore tips, techniques, and lesson plans for instructing informative writing, equipping educators with the necessary tools to guide their students towards mastering the art of informing through writing.

Tips for Instructing Informative Writing

Informative writing is a crucial skill that students need to develop in order to effectively communicate information and ideas. Whether it’s for academic purposes or in the workplace, being able to write well-informed and articulate pieces is essential. As an educator, it is your role to guide and teach students how to master this skill. Here are some tips for instructing informative writing:

1. Know the Basics

Before you can teach informative writing, make sure you have a thorough understanding of the basics yourself. This includes knowing the different types of informative writing, such as news articles, informative essays, and reports, as well as the language and structure commonly used in these types of writing. Familiarize yourself with the elements of good informative writing, such as clear and concise language, specific and relevant information, and a logical flow of ideas.

2. Use Varied Teaching Methods

Students learn in different ways, so it’s important to use a variety of teaching methods when instructing informative writing. This could include lectures, class discussions, group activities, and individual writing assignments. Use real-life examples and case studies to demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of informative writing, and give students the opportunity to practice and receive feedback on their writing.

3. Incorporate Research Skills

One key aspect of informative writing is conducting research to gather relevant and accurate information. As such, it’s important to also teach students how to conduct research effectively. This could include lessons on how to find credible sources, evaluate information, and properly cite sources in their writing. Encourage students to explore a variety of sources, including books, journals, and online resources.

4. Focus on Organization and Structure

Informative writing is most effective when it is well-organized and has a clear structure. Instruct students on how to create an outline before writing, as this can help them organize their thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas. Teach them the importance of introductory and concluding paragraphs, as well as how to use headings and subheadings to break up their writing and make it more readable.

5. Provide Feedback and Encourage Revision

As with any type of writing, informative writing requires practice and revision in order to improve. Provide constructive feedback on students’ writing, highlighting both their strengths and areas for improvement. Encourage them to revise and edit their work based on your feedback, as well as peer feedback. This will not only improve their writing skills, but also teach them the importance of incorporating feedback in their writing process.

6. Utilize Technology

There are many online tools and resources available that can enhance the teaching and learning of informative writing. These include grammar and spell checkers, plagiarism checkers, and writing prompts. You can also encourage students to use technology to present their writing, such as creating digital presentations or videos.

Strategies for Educating About Informative Writing

Aside from the above tips for instructing informative writing, there are also specific strategies that educators can use to effectively teach this skill. These strategies include:

1. Model Writing Techniques

Show students how to write effectively by modeling writing techniques yourself. Provide examples of well-written informative pieces and discuss with students what makes these pieces successful. This will give students a better understanding of how to apply these techniques in their own writing.

2. Encourage Brainstorming and Discussion

Informative writing is not just about relaying information, but also about presenting ideas and arguments. Encourage students to brainstorm and discuss their ideas before writing, as this can help them come up with fresh and unique perspectives on a topic.

3. Teach Editing and Proofreading Skills

Part of being an effective writer is being able to edit and proofread your own work. Teach students how to effectively edit and proofread their writing by focusing on areas such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Emphasize the importance of reading their work out loud to catch any errors or awkward phrasing.

4. Promote Creativity and Originality

Informative writing should not be bland and boring. Encourage students to incorporate their own creativity and originality in their writing, while still maintaining a professional and informative tone. This will not only make their writing more engaging, but also allow for different perspectives and ideas to be presented.

5. Foster a Growth Mindset

Learning any new skill takes time and practice, and informative writing is no exception. Fostering a growth mindset in your students can help them develop a positive attitude towards learning and encourage them to persevere through challenges and setbacks. Celebrate their progress and growth, and remind them that mistakes are part of the learning process.

Techniques for Guiding Informative Writing

In addition to using various teaching methods and strategies, there are also techniques that educators can use to guide students in their informative writing. These techniques include:

1. Utilize Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers, such as mind maps and flowcharts, can be helpful tools for students to organize their ideas and information before beginning to write. These visual aids allow for a more structured and organized approach to writing, which can be especially useful for students who struggle with organization.

2. Assign Informative Writing Tasks in Different Formats

Not all informative writing tasks have to be traditional essays or reports. Mix it up by assigning tasks in different formats, such as infographics, podcasts, or interviews. This not only adds variety to your teaching, but also allows students to practice presenting information in different ways.

3. Incorporate Peer Editing

Peer editing is a valuable technique for improving writing skills. Assign students to edit each other’s work, providing specific feedback on areas such as structure, language, and content. This not only takes the pressure off of you as the teacher, but also allows students to learn from each other.

4. Utilize Rubrics

Rubrics are a useful tool for both educators and students. Use rubrics to clearly outline your expectations for an informative writing task, including criteria such as organization, language, and accuracy of information. This will help students understand what is expected of them and allow for easy assessment and feedback.

Steps to Teach Informative Writing

If you’re new to instructing informative writing, it can feel overwhelming to know where to start. Here are some steps you can take to effectively teach this skill:

1. Start with the Basics

Begin by teaching students the basics of informative writing, including the different types and elements of effective writing. This will provide a solid foundation for students to build upon.

2. Introduce Research Skills

Teach students how to research and gather information from credible sources. This can be done through lessons or activities that allow students to practice finding and evaluating information.

3. Guide Them in Creating an Outline

Show students how to create an outline before beginning to write. This will help them organize their ideas and ensure a logical flow of information in their writing.

4. Teach Writing Techniques

Instruct students on how to use language effectively, including grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. Provide examples and encourage students to practice these techniques in their writing.

5. Encourage Peer Feedback

Allow students to give and receive feedback on their writing from their peers. This not only allows for multiple perspectives, but also teaches students how to give and receive constructive criticism.

6. Promote Practice and Revision

In order for students to improve their informative writing skills, they must practice and revise their work. Set aside time for students to work on their writing and provide opportunities for revision based on feedback given.

Lesson Plans for Teaching Informative Writing

If you’re looking for specific lesson plans or activities to help you teach informative writing, here are some ideas:

  • Comparing and contrasting different types of informative writing, such as news articles and informative essays.
  • Creating an infographic on a topic of interest, incorporating both text and graphics to convey information.
  • Having students research and write a report on a current event or historical topic.
  • Having students write an informative essay on a controversial issue, presenting both sides of the argument and providing evidence to support their claims.
  • Assigning students to create a podcast or video on a topic of their choice, using research to inform and educate listeners/viewers.

Instructional Approaches for Informative Writing

There are many different instructional approaches that can be used to teach informative writing. Some effective approaches include:

  • Direct Instruction: This approach involves giving students direct instruction on the different aspects of informative writing, such as structure, language, and research skills.
  • Inquiry-Based Learning: This approach encourages students to take an active role in their learning by asking questions, conducting research, and finding their own answers.
  • Collaborative Learning: Collaborative learning involves students working together in groups to complete a task or solve a problem. This allows for peer feedback and multiple perspectives.
  • Project-Based Learning: This approach involves students completing a project that is based on real-world issues or problems. This can be an effective way to engage students in informative writing and make it relevant to their lives.
  • Flipped Classroom: In a flipped classroom, students learn the content at home through videos or readings, and class time is reserved for activities and discussions related to the content. This approach can be useful for teaching informative writing as students can watch or read about the basics at home and then practice and receive feedback in the classroom.

Educator’s Guide to Informative Writing

As an educator, it is important to have a guide or framework to follow when teaching informative writing. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Understand the basics of informative writing yourself before teaching it to others.
  • Use varied teaching methods and strategies to engage students and cater to different learning styles.
  • Incorporate research skills and promote creativity and originality in students’ writing.
  • Focus on organization and structure, and provide feedback and opportunities for revision.
  • Utilize technology and graphic organizers to enhance teaching and learning.
  • Remember that practice and perseverance are key to mastering informative writing.

Mastering the Art of Informing Through Writing

Teaching informative writing is not just about teaching a skill, but also about instilling a love for learning and communicating information effectively. As an educator, you have the power to help students master this art and become confident and articulate writers. With the right approaches, strategies, and techniques, you can guide students in developing their informative writing skills and prepare them for success in their academic and professional lives.

Effective Ways to Teach Informative Writing

If you’re looking for more resources and ideas on how to effectively teach informative writing, check out this article on how to teach informative writing. It provides a comprehensive guide on the challenges and solutions for translating historical architecture into modern interior design, while also incorporating informative writing skills. This can be a valuable resource to use in your lesson plans and activities.

In conclusion, teaching informative writing is a crucial aspect of the education system, as it equips students with the skills to effectively communicate information. In order to successfully instruct informative writing, educators must employ various strategies and techniques. This can include lesson plans, instructional approaches, and a comprehensive guide to the art of informing through writing. By following these tips and mastering the steps to teach informative writing, educators can empower their students to become effective writers and critical thinkers. With the use of effective teaching methods, students can develop strong informative writing skills that will benefit them in their academic and professional endeavors. As educators, it is our responsibility to guide and support students in mastering the art of informative writing, ensuring their success in both the classroom and beyond.


  • madeleineporter

    I am a 34 year old educational blogger and volunteer and student. I love to help others learn and grow. I have a strong interest in creativity, education, and social justice. My blog is currently focused on writing about my education and community work. I hope to continue doing this for the rest of my life.